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Request a 
Bulk-Billed Session

Our priority is to provide quality mental health services to all!

Woman wearing headphones while using a laptop, representing online therapy, telehealth counseling, and remote therapy.

Request a Bulk Bill Psychology Session


To claim Bulk Bill services with Tele-Psych you must be able to provide proof that you are a Pensioner, receiving Centrelink benefits, TAFE or University student or experiencing financial hardship.


Please be aware that you will also required to have a Mental Health Care Plan and referral letter from your GP to claim bulk bill services. 

Icon of a Doctor, this sympolises Doctor GP Medicare referrals.

Discuss with your GP

Get a referral and Mental Health Care Plan from your Doctor.

Email icon for contacting Tele-Psychs. Reach us at for inquiries and support.

Submit a bulk-bill request

Complete application form below and attach your concession card (Pension Card, Student Card, Proof of Centrelink payment)

Hourglass, representing online mental health therapy session duration.

Tele-Psych will contact you

Bulk-bill appointments are assessed on a case by case basis - we will be in contact within 48 hours.

Bulk Bill Application Form

If you would like to request bulk bill sessions, please complete the form below and attach a copy of your concession card (Pension card, Student card or proof of Centrelink payment).


Mental health services for everyone

Are financial constraints causing stress and hindering your access to much-needed support? Tele-Psych is here to bridge the gap by offering bulk billed sessions for online psychology services in Australia, completely free of cost, catering to those who require it the most. If you hold a referral and Mental Health Care Plan (MHCP) from your trusted doctor, and are also facing financial difficulties or possess a concession card such as a student or pension card, or are a recipient of Centrelink payments, you may qualify for our bulk-billing service.


To initiate a request for a bulk-billed session, simply forward copies of your referral, Mental Health Care Plan, and concession card to Alternatively, you can contact us at 1300 820 031 to engage in a detailed conversation about your circumstances and explore your options further. At Tele-Psych, we are committed to fostering easier access to mental health services through online platforms, ensuring that quality support is within reach for all.

Medicare logo representing bulk billing options for online therapy and mental health services at Tele-Psychs

Want to book an appointment? 

Have a question about our services?
Try our FAQ page or Call us on 1300 820 031.
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